Third Grade

My Morning Routine

It’s the first day of school… time to start teaching your first classroom management


Classroom management for me always start with the morning routine!  It is important for my students

to learn how to enter the room, unpack, and prepare for learning.

I remember my first year of teaching and expecting my students to know exactly what to do or after learning my expectations just one time.

But I have discovered that it takes a constant review of a step-by-step procedure(s) over the first couple of weeks.  That is the key for classroom management success in both September AND June!

 Over my years as educator, I have learned that if you want to control the frequency of disruptive talking in the classroom… it starts on Day #1.

This includes practicing voice levels to be used in the room, reviewing the time periods of when it is OK for the volume to increase, and how to have effective transitions.

A successful first day leads to a successful first month… which turns into an amazing school year.  And the importance of establishing a morning routine, classroom noise levels, rules, and routines are the framework of academic success for students.  Classroom management and procedures are essential for higher achievement in English-Language Arts, Math, and all the subject-areas.

Below are my daily expectations of students:

#1 - Enter the classroom and find your seat right away… take out what is needed for the teacher.  

~ Take out notes from parents/guardians

~ Have completed homework ready to turn-in or review 

~ Place empty backpack on designated hooks

 #2 – Make a Lunch Choice

~ Choosing lunch is a simple task for those who can read in English

~ It is not so simple for English Language Learners!

For English Language Learners… choosing a lunch can be challenging!  

So much of the terminology is meant for fluent English speakers!  

For example, “Brunch for Lunch” can very difficult for an English Learner.

TIP: To alleviate this issue and create a smooth morning routine… I place pictures of

each food lunch on my chalkboard.  By having real photos on display, I am

creating independence for all students… especially those struggling to understand the English Language.

 #3 – Begin Morning Work

~ After choosing lunch, it is time for morning work

Lunch Count Menu Choices Bulletin Board Set

Morning Work

 MATH MORNING WORK: For the third graders in my classroom… I usually have them work on a math resource that I created specific to meeting the needs of English Language Learners.

 ABOUT MATH MORNING WORK: This math morning work is a spiral review of what students are learning throughout the year.

 Spiral Math Review is a lifesaver for children that are struggling in math. 

 Each time you assign this type of morning work… you are giving a student another opportunity to master a skill that was once confusing to them. 

 EXAMPLE: Within the math curriculum for my third graders… our first topic is rounding.  

 When I started teaching this grade-level, FRUSTRATION was a big part of my planning sessions.

 But now, I’m thankful that it is the first skill for third grade!  It fits perfectly with the Spiral Math Review that takes place each morning in my classroom!  

The morning routine of having a Spiral Math Review has been a game-changer!  It has allowed for growth and development to occur for students over time.

Even if an English Language Learner doesn’t fully understand the concept in September… the child WILL eventually master it through constant repetition.

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - Free Sample

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - 1st Quarter

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - 2nd Quarter

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - 3rd Quarter

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - 4th Quarter

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - Entire Year

Click Here for the Lunch Count Menu Choices Bulletin Board Set

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - Free Sample

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - 1st Quarter

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - 2nd Quarter

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - 3rd Quarter

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - 4th Quarter

3rd Grade Math Morning Work - Entire Year

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